Manual and repetitive administrative tasks result in inefficient processes and increased costs. The Chrome River Autobot completely removes theses tasks by automatically routing, approving, returning, or assigning expense reports once submitted by an expense owner. With an intuitive implementation, you can easily enhance these processes and begin increasing your team’s efficiency and reducing costs immediately.
Autobot Transformer SVG File Digital Cut File Cameo Cricut T-Shirt, Tumbler, Sticker Design TumblersPlus 5 out of 5 stars (222) $ 0.99. Add to Favorites Quick view Transformer Autobot Auto Emblem - Chrome5' Tall - TME-EMB-00086 MasonicExchange 5 out of 5 stars (751. Autobots (オートボット, Ōtobotto) are one of the primary factions in the Transformer Titans. They usually find themselves defending the AllSpark, their own race and other species against the Decepticons and upholding justice and freedom throughout the galaxy. Apr 16, 2021 The Autobot symbol (or Autobrand as it is sometimes called) was based on the face of the Last Autobot, the sleeping guardian Primus left for the day when his plans came to fruition. At first Autobot numbers were small (a mere 13 began things), but through budding they expanded their race to fill the planet. When the correct level of population.
Welcome to The River.
Chrome River now offers innovative technology within the Chrome River EXPENSE Routing function: the Chrome River Autobot. We recognized an opportunity to utilize technology to automate manual verification and approval steps. Leveraging our robust business rules engine, the Chrome River Autobot completely streamlines your expense reporting process by empowering your AP Team to focus on more strategic initiatives instead of manual and repetitive tasks.
The Chrome River Autobot is completely configurable. Whether you need to verify or encumber budget, verify billable hours, or approve expense reports, the Chrome River Autobot can do it all automatically. By querying systems outside of Chrome River in real-time utilizing secure web services, the Autobot can quickly approve or return an expense report based on whether or not required criteria, such as billing hours to a client, have been met.
Cut Costs
Eliminate the need for a your administrator to manually review expense report compliance with time entry policies.
Improve Financial Data Accuracy
As an automated solution, the Chrome River Autobot ensures data accuracy between and within expense and finance systems.
Increase AP Efficiency
Improve your expense management cycle times by reducing the time for expense reports to be approved.
Improve Expense Legitimacy
With the Chrome River Autobot, you can ensure that only legitimate and verified expenses are submitted.
Enhance Your Policies
Easily implement, adjust, and enhance policy rules based on third-party data without impacting Chrome River EXPENSE.
- Control rising costs of administrative tasks
- Improve the accuracy of financial data through validation
- Shift AP staff focus from administrative tasks to strategic tasks
- Accelerate processes which have been slowed due to manual data validation
Chrome River is making my life's making ALL of the employees' lives easier.
Isn't it time to make the switch to Chrome River?
+1 (888) 781.0088info@chromeriver.comLatest versionReleased:
buildbot front-end incarnation
Project description
buildbot automation
What is autobot?
autobot is a continuous integration solution built as a front-end tobuildbot. We have a lot of software. We’re talented, sousually it doesn’t break. But we’re not infalliable. Our robot ally,autobot, is there to test things for us. Let’s meet autobot!
Installing autobot
autobot may be installed using the install script:
This will create a virtualenv and install autobot for development($VIRTUAL_ENV/src/autobot). You can also use the script asinstructions and install it in the same manner as any other python package.
Setting up a buildmaster and slave
Once you have autobot installed and the virtualenv activated, you’llwant to create a buildmaster and a buildslave.
You can create a master-slave pair by running create-autobot afteractivating the virtualenv. This is mostly useful for autobotdevelopment. The scripts create-autobot-master andcreate-autobot-slave are also available and are more useful forproduction, as normally you will not want to keep the master and theslave on the same machine except for development and testing. Thescripts will prompt you for a factory or you can specify one or morefrom the commandline using --factory or -f. The factories arefrom autobot.projects and its subdirectories. You can list theavailable factories with create-autobot--list-factories (orcreate-autobot-master--list-factories).
Running create-autobot--help will give the variables you can setwhen it makes a new bot for you (create-autobot-master andcreate-autobot-slave also have a --help, the variables increate-autobot being a superset of these).
If you don’t specify a variable, the default will be used to createyour particular bot. You can change these in the resultantconfiguration later.
Using autobot
The buildmaster and buildslave are started withbuildbot start master and buildslave stop slave from the bot’sdirectories. Respective stop commands also exist. If you used thecreate-autobot command the generated bot will have script that will stop and start both themaster and slave and (if debug is set) remove the log as well.
The generated master.cfg file reads values from a master.inifile in the same directory. The master.ini contains a number ofdifferent sections:
- [:master:] contains the top level configuration for the masteras well as default settings for slaves
- sections like [slave:slavename] indicate a slave of nameslavename
- all other sections are construction parameters for factories
The format of the .ini file is detailed in the subsequentsection. You may change which .ini file is used by editing themaster.cfg file, or, if for whatever reason you don’t want to usean .ini file as a driver you can construct the appropriateconfiguration therein yourself.
An overview of the build status is detailed at the waterfall display,by default at http://localhost:8010/waterfall . To force a build,click on the desired builder and there will be a force build buttontowards the bottom.
It is important to remember that continuous integration is a safetynet, not a first line of defense. In other words, continue to checkyour code before sending it to autobot.
.ini file format
As stated above, a master.ini file contains three different typesof sections:
- [:master:] contains the top level configuration for the masteras well as default settings for slaves
- sections like [slave:slavename] indicate a slave of nameslavename
- other sections are construction parameters for factories
What goes in each of these?
:master: The master section contains parameters appropriate to thebuildmaster:
- slaveport: which port to listen for the slaves on
- htmlport: which port to serve the waterfall display on
- pollInterval: how often to poll the repositories, in seconds [DEFAULT: 60]
- treeStable: how long to wait before the tree settles down beforebuilding [DEFAULT: 60]
Autobot Autoworks Off-road
The other defaults may be seen by running create-autobot-master--help.
Other parameters given in the [:master:] section are used as thebaseline defaults for each slave. They may be overridden in eachslave: section
slave: parameters for each slave:
- password: each slave must have a password. Unless there’s areason to have a different password per slave, its probably betterto put this in the :master: section
- factories: space-separated list of factories to run on that slave.If the special value * is used, all factories will be run. Youcan view the factories available withcreate-autobot--list-factories. The factory name corresponds tothe directory (or module) name in autobot.projects. Ifevery slave is meant to run the same factories, you can put this inthe :master: section
- os: the operating system of the slave. Should be one of linux,win, or mac (though see TODO about future use of MozInfomaking this obselescent). You probably shouldn’t have a defaultkey for this in the :master: section (though autobot won’t tryto stop you!).
factory sections: All other sections are used to build the factories.Each parameter in a factory section is used as a constructor(__init__) keyword argument when they are created in themaster.cfg. So a factory section like:
will invoke the foo factory (lets say it maps to MyFooFactory) oneach slave like:
In addition, if a factory has a special key, platform, the slavewill pass its platform information when instantiating a factory.Currently, this is a dict with a single key, os, but more may beadded as needed. As noted in the TODO below, ideally this would bedeprecated entirely by MozInfo but such is the interim solution.
autobot.process.factory:SourceFactory is an abstract base classfor specifying sources. Sources live as a member on the instance, named(oddly) sources. This is a dict with the key being the sourcetype and the value being the source to use. Source types arecurrently “git” and “hg”, though this is easily extensible.
Internally, an individual source is stored as a 2-tuple with the firstitem being the URL of the source and the second item being thebranch. If the branch is None or not specified, this is assumedto equate to master for git or default for hg. However, youmay also use a string in the form of URL#branch. In addition, youmay specify a whitespace separated source, which SourceFactorywill split into a list of sources.
The generated master.cfg polls for changes on the given source,then uses buildbot.schedulers.filter:Changefilter in conjunctionwith a Scheduler to trigger the appropriate builds. This is doneby GitPoller and HgPoller inautobot.changes.poller. Again, more pollers can be added asneeded or the provided buildbot change sources may be utilized.
While, in general, the canonical sources should be specified at theclass level, if an appropriate argument (e.g. hg or git) is passedin to the SourceFactory constructor, this will override thatsource type. This is useful for testing changes on non-canonical URLsand/or branches.
Adding a New Project
Occassionally, you’ll need to add a new project to test. You can adda file to a directory under autobot.projects and,if you have a factory therein, autobot will find it and add it to thelist of factories it knows about.
There is also a script, create-autobot-project, that can createthis stub for you:
project is the name of the project and output, if specified,is the path of the file to create. If output is not specified, itwill find its way to a directory named for the project underautobot.projects.
Several factories (BuildFactory descendents) are inautobot.process to make building a new project easier:
- SourceFactory: as described above, this processes the sourcesand gives a method (checkout()) for downloading them.master.cfg looks in each factory and gleems its neededrepository from its sources attribute (if any) in the internalstorage mechanism of SourceFactory and sets up schedulersaccordingly.
- VirtualenvFactory: inherits from SourceFactory. creates apython virtualenv and provides build properties %(virtualenv)s,%(python)s, and %(scripts)s (location of bin on unix orScripts on windows with respect to the virtualenv. It also hasa findScript() method which accepts the unix-style script name(no extension) and returns the path to the script on the platform.
- PythonSourceFactory: inherits from VirtualenvFactory. Ittreats all (for now, can be changed) sources as sources of pythonpackages. In addition to checking them out in%(virtualenv)s/src, it will also install them (using%(python)s install)
See the autobot.process.factory file for more details. Theseclasses are intended as mix-ins (not my favorite pattern, but it seemsto basically be what buildbot wants you to do). More work needs to bedone to provide for the breadth of use-cases, but what exists now isconsidered a “good start” versus a “final form”. More factories maybe added per necessity.
Is your autobot being feisty?
Let me know! I’d like to make autobot a solution that works for allstake-holders, and if you’re reading this, that means you!
No software of any size is ever finished. Here are a few things Iwould like to add:
- email notifications
- singular checkout of repos on slaves: the slaves should have asingular master repo that is checked out once for each repo URL,branch pair. It is then updated as the slaves need and (e.g.)cloned from there. This should effectively minimize fetch time.
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Autobot Navy
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Filename, size | File type | Python version | Upload date | Hashes |
Filename, size autobot-0.1.1.tar.gz (17.0 kB) | File type Source | Python version None | Upload date | Hashes |
Autobot Symbol
Hashes for autobot-0.1.1.tar.gz
Algorithm | Hash digest |
SHA256 | 186c63a31a7605612d23322aa65f8f5c17e8996d6a994a0202c3a0165a6ec30a |
MD5 | 4fff55c4ef26f9b6e81ab5abb3749acd |
BLAKE2-256 | 6034feffa8ae9477ed3a72e059c5686205e3b62b8e85e819338f7cda59e09b74 |