Best high quality Plugin for Hip Hop, Trap, Lo-Fi, Soul and R&B, Chillwave and cinematic Soundscapes!!! Great plugin for a great price!!! If you want to hear some high Qaulity Heatup 3 samples songs, check out my Instagram page: floprophotographer Thx Initial Audio for the great plugin, I love you guys!!! Keep up the great work and stay on. Fraction Plugin for Real Studio allows you to construct programs which can handle fractions much like doubles and integers are handled. A fraction is represented by two integers, num/den.
With the templates we offer, everyone can have fun without thinking about the boring tasks like installing plugins and configuring them, that's time consuming. Still, there's things you would want to change about the server and here's where we teach you how to ^-^
Here is a screenshot of all the plugins that the server is using, you can easily type ' PluginName Minecraft Plugin ' in your Google Search box and you will find all the details about that plugin, documentation and so on in case we miss something as we will include only the most important things.
Editing your MOTD (Server Description)
Plugin Link:
By default, you server description will look like this:
If you want to change it, you need to go to your server files and access the 'plugins' folder and then open the 'ServerListPlus' directory. Once there, you need to edit the ServerListPlus.yml file. You only need to edit line 38 and 39 to your liking and that's all.
You can use the following website to create a custom description and it also has an option for ServerListPlus!
Audio Plugin Fraction

Also, for a much better documentation regarding this plugins, please have a look over their wiki page:
ServerListPlus Wiki
Editing your Tab, Join Titles and your Scoreboard
Plugin Link:
By default, your Tab and Scoreboard will look like this:
Now, you will need to go to the same 'plugins' folder but this time to the 'TitleManager' folder. There you need to edit the config.yml file.
You can change the TAB configuration in this section, just what's between the apostrophes:
Then, you can change the welcome titles in this section, just make sure that what you type is as well between the apostrophes:
And finally, you can change the scoreboard in this section, making sure that everything that you write is also between apostrophes:
For the full documentation and all the commands regarding this plugin, please have a look on their Wiki Page:
TitleManager Wiki
Editing your Holograms
Plugin Link:
When you join the server, the first thing you see is this hologram which by default looks like this:

If you want to change it or other holograms, you need to go to the 'plugins' folder and then access the HolographicDisplays directory. There, edit the database.yml file to your liking:
To learn more about this plugin, for example, how to move holograms to your location, how to remove certain holograms and so on, please have a look on their documentation page:
Holographic Displays Wiki
The Factions Plugin (SaberFactions)
Plugin Link:
The plugin the server is using for the Factions experience is SaberFactions. It's a plug & play plugin, there's not really that much you have to configure about it but in case you want to, I suggest that you contact them on their Discord as they use it for a helping interface:
Saber Factions
The Shop Plugin (EssentialsX)
Plugin Link:
The plugin is not really a shop plugin, it includes most of the basic commands that a server needs including a shop functionality, you can have a look at their wiki at the link below for more info.
EssentialsX Wiki
Below it's also a tutorial on how to create a Buy Sign:
And of course, a Sell Sign:
Ranks & Permissions Plugin (LuckPerms)
Plugin Link:
From the plugin link, the Bukkit/Spigot one is the one we are using and the one that the server supports. For this plugin, we already have an active article which you can check here:
Luckperms Article
To change the ranks easily, you need to use the command /lp editor and then access the link you are given. There, select the rank you want to edit and rename the text that is inside the red square:
Change 'Helper' to whatever you want. but make sure not to change anything else, except the sybmols like &2 or &7 which are basically color formatting codes.
After you have changed that, enter the following command in-game:
/lp group Helper rename <new-name>
For help regarding color codes and formatting, here's a photo to help you understand what every symbol does:
Useful Administering Commands
/setspawn Sets the location where the players will teleport when they join or die.
/setwarp <name> Sets a warp to your location.
/delwarp <name> Removes a warp.
/lag Gives you information about the server performance.
Factions Plugin 1.16.1
/lagg clear Clears the items in the world that it's executed.Factions Plugin Download
Published on: 03 / 09 / 2020